Green Buildings

Green Buildings

Validación y Certificación de Productos y Servicios

GBF, through its partners, offers the following services related to projects validation and products certification:


  • EPD validation, Environmental Product Declaration according to ISO 14025 standard  and Environmental Statements according to the UNI EN ISO 14021 standard;
  • “Make it Sustainable” Certification for concept, processes, products, services and sites designed, built and managed in accordance to sustainability basic values;
  • certifications for quality, environment, energy and safety management systems;
  • construction products certifications with reference to Uni Cei En 45011 standard, under the accreditation issued by ACCREDIA, the unique Italian national Accreditation Body;
  • validations procedures for public work projects and onsite technical control activities, in compliance with Uni Cei En Iso/Iec 17020 standard, to carry out project verification and validation activities and technical supervision of construction works;
  • certification of professional skills in the construction field;
  • validation of the environmental declaration according to EMAS III regulation (Regulation EC n. 1221/09)